rough running / hesitation after service

I am having similar problems, 2006 Classic, I just had the 10,000 mile service done, (I just got the bike 12k), and I had difficulty out accelerating a delivery truck when I was merging onto the freeway!!!! It also seemed reluctant to start, maybe 8 seconds this morning (I live in AZ, so it was not exactly arctic this morning (70+ degrees f); did not settle down to an easy idle and had choked power delivery from the get go Got better on idle and low rev power whilst running around town.

It feels like it is sometimes running on two or maybe even one cylinder! When I opened it up to "clear it out" and I hit 4000 rpm the bike frame shudders. Because I am new to the bike, it was difficult to figure out if this was "normal" but, I know it was better than this before I took it into the dealer.

I shall be returning it in the morning and will post "what happens next" when it does (happen). The Classic is bog standard, no "add on's" as yet. I did have them check to make sure the ignition/light/relay mod had been installed and they confirmed it had.
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10k mi in 8yrs - maybe she hasn't worked out that she's a motorcycle....

....definitely not normal so be interesting to hear what your dealer has to say for him/herself
Low tension coil lead should be checked and recrimped to make sure they are tight on the coils so the spark is not inadvertly interupted which make the bike feel like its missing. If they check the cams then they at least pulled the two coils on the side and most likely the one up front just to get the cam cover off. easy fix with a pair of needle nose pliers. After that then I would look at the vac lines and then the TPS and ISCV reset. They should be able to tell you if they logged into the ECU which even if they did to do some checks does not mean they had to reload a map. Especially if the bike was running fine.