Rode The 2014 Indian Chiefton Today

Having ridden on the back of an Indian Chief with my big brother, the new Chief's appearance took me back to the beginning of loving big bodacious motorcycles!
You do not think the Rocket is on the ugly side????????????????? all I can say is keep smoking or drinking it is working pretty well for you.

The Rocket isn't pretty as in "Shall I compare thee to a summer's day?" The Rocket is bold and strong as in "When can their glory fade? O the wild charge they made!" The Rocket's appearance reflects its explosive nature and that makes it much more than pretty; it is striking.

in the privacy of my garage I call mine massey ferguson beauty
Some interesting opinions and comments in this thread and have to say "Beauty is in the eye of the beholder"! With that said, one of the crew I ride with on Tuesday bought an Indian about mid season. Polaris has done a great job with the bike and it performs very well. For me I am not into the fenders, but the engine is Rock solid. When it come to looks, I'm sorry, if you want to ooh & ah at a motorcycle, step into a Harley showroom. To me it's like walking through an art gallery.

Motorcycles are more than how they look, they are about how they make you feel inside when you look at them and when you ride them. I've owned 3 different bikes over the last 16 years and they have all have brought a smile to my face when I looked at them and rode them. I wish I could have keep every bike I owned...I count 8 so far. My latest is the 2013 Rocket 3 Touring that I now call "Orca". To me it is a thing of beauty, unique in its own classic way. I felt the same about my Harley and my Valkyrie as well. If your feeling your Rocket is ugly, just remember the last time your bike was parked with a bunch of other non rockets and ask yourself....which bike got all the attention for its sheer size, presents and stature. Smile boys!

How about some picture of the last three....


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I see you have a "slow" Vmax, i traded my 03 for my rocket, now i want it back so bad
in the privacy of my garage I call mine massey ferguson beauty

I have decided to re-name my Roadster.
Since new it has been Bruiser II as it sits along side my V2K Bruiser I.
The new name, coined by my cuz, will be KONG!
After I do the Carp boogie, me thinks it will fit in nicely.