Rocket Sightings

May 15, 2016, The Sky Valley Motorcycle Show, Snohomish Wa.

Triumph Rocket 3s sighting, none. NOT ONE! Four show blocks and side street parking ... Not one Rocket in sight. Sky Vally Show had half dozen Classic Triumph Bonies and on a side street I spotted a succulent gray Triumph Storm blending in with the Pacific Northwest cloudy gray rain drop sky. Perhaps Rocket 3s, like sugar, are just to SWEEEET to be in the rain.

No disrespect intended, nevertheless lose interest looking at so many HarlyHogs.

Triumph Rocket 3 could win Cruser "Best in Show" by just showing up.
1olbull missed an easy trophy win .

Ride safe my friends.


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I saw my second rocket in 10 years of riding on the road today heading south on hwy 75 around 2:30 pm. It was a red one .
My wife an I have just got home from a month long tour of Italy with a side trip to France, only saw one Rocket III on our travels, it was in Monaco a bright orange version with the tribal markings.
Saw a red Rocket Friday May 27 around 2:30pm, north of Fort Worth TX at the intersection of Highways 377 and 170. I know there are a few other North Texas folks around but have not met them yet.
Normally, I would have nothing to report except for the two I have seen on the evening news laying on their side from a motorcycle accident. Both resulted in deaths.

On a brighter note, I am happy to report that after 2 years I finally saw my first rocket in the wild last week. Not only was it a Rocket, but it was a Rocket 3 Touring the same color as mine and everything. It was sighted in Angola IN while I was at a place called Jimmy's near Lake James. I was sitting in a screened in outside area they have eating pizza and having a beer with a group of other riders I ride with on Tuesday night. Low and behold it came cruising down the road past the place.

In a way, it was a little sad....apparently I no longer feel like I have the only one around. CRAP!!
It's lonely and thankless work being a Rocket III Captain, although I think that we'd all agree that simply being possessed by one is reward enough!

Sorry I missed this post Roger.
Let me know next time and I may just rip over there to see Teri and you!
Have lots to do on my R3R before the RAA XI ride and time is short with work and all.
I may come through your way on my return from RAA XI through Jellystone (July 24-26) . . .
If so, I shall be in touch.
After 16 months of ownership, I saw my first Rocket in the wild today! It was a newer black Roadster with white stripes heading north on I-5 by Encinitas, CA, shortly after noon. It must've been the guy's first day on the bike as I think he was going exactly the speed limit in the left lane. Anyone here?
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