Rocket Sightings

Very friendly bunch of people, and one odd fellow walking around with a blowup doll he kept calling Steve.

He was an odd duck, I heard he was luring guys into the hot tub.
Just over a week ago I saw over 30 Rockets in a parking lot of the Days Inn, in Montrose Colorado.
Very friendly bunch of people, and one odd fellow walking around with a blowup doll he kept calling Steve.
that's a dam good ratio just ONE odd fellow?had to be more than one
Just one that skewed the bell curve so far, that everyone else fell into the normal category.
I've seen two other rockets here around Denver.

First looks like an older red touring or classic with bags around Littleton/Southglen area.

The other was a grey Rocket on 225 near Aurora.

Either of you gents on the forum?
Lived in Germany three years now (and ridden through 14 EU countries). So far I've seen:
1. @MikeDeY at the ride the alps last year
2. A black roadster parked at a biker stop on the Johanniskreuz (never found the driver but the plate was from northern Germany)
3. A R3T go by when I was sitting at a roadside cafe on the French border (German side of street ) last month.
Before that I lived in Mississippi for 2 years and New Jersey 2 years without a single sighting.
Spotted a Flat black Rocket in Ennis cruising down Ennis Ave. about 4 hours ago. Don't see many around here.