Thanks Russ,
The leading I built is a composite of several different designs. With the measurements between the fork tubes being a lot more than what was on the Guzzi, I had to cut the back member and re weld a larger diameter tube over it. With the brake calipers mounted on the bottom, when brakes are applied, the front end raises up , instead of diving like traditional mounts. Seems to work great.
The fork tubes are dom steel tubing 1.75" on the outside with another 1.5" tube inside before bending......can't see any way it can bend or break. This required spacers inside the fork clamps , since the original fork tubes are bigger. Also if you notice, the shocks are in the same plane vertically with the upper part of of the forks. I'm not an engineer, just looked like the sensible way to build it.
Post a pic of the rigs you have.