Rocket science

Looks like my pipes are done... they will cross the big pond within the next few days... really looking forward to hear some Aussie music from my fat lady!!
Are they made to fit up to tors ?
Well, I'm gonna stick those pipes up her mid section ... er... not talking about how she'll scream if I ride her
@ThingKing did you make it over to TriDays? This was our last weekend as a family in Europe (wife and sons leave Wednesday, daughter and I on 16 July...very sad!) so we did a weekend in München and Dachau. All weekend I was thinking so close to Neukirchen and don't have my rocket Hope you made it and it was a blast! After yesterday at Dachau though, I know I made the right decision. I knew it would be moving for me; but what it invoked in my oldest son, gave me hope for the next generation!

Hello cardinal, you are leaving Europe? What's going on? I didn't make it to TriDays, but at least I had the opportunity to join the Rocket meeting in Vienna for an afternoon. Yes I agree, it was clearly more important to show him Dachau then to attend the TriDays.
They are the same style as yours @Malcy, I finished them today Ive been doing 2 to 3 days a week at CES

@ozrider, you actually did these pipes? And after coming home you find their picture on the forum already... must be a pleasure for an artist to see his work displayed. Thanks for your dedication mate, I appreciate it!
@ozrider, you actually did these pipes? And after coming home you find their picture on the forum already... must be a pleasure for an artist to see his work displayed. Thanks for your dedication mate, I appreciate it!

Hahaha, Trevor had started them and I just finished off a few jobs on them, your system looks great with the heat shields
They are the same style as yours @Malcy, I finished them today Ive been doing 2 to 3 days a week at CES

For us old stick in the mud guys who like the tractor standard pipes and TORS on the Touring ,do CES make a cross over box replacement that will fit stock headers and TORS, I would be interested if they do. thanks