Rocket Owners Northwest

Not sure if anyone is still watching this group thread, but I got my first Rocket in January and am loving it. @Rocky Raccoon - Kalispell, Montana
Gratitude and welcome to ya!
I started that thread way back in the good old days.
The Montrose RAA was the largest gathering of Rockets ever.
Not sure if anyone is still watching this group thread, but I got my first Rocket in January and am loving it. @Rocky Raccoon - Kalispell, Montana

I still watch it and I am now living in Southern NV. I used to work in Browning and lived in Spokane during my off days. I went through Kalispell more times than you could count. Loved it over there.

As far as I am concerned, as the creator of this thread, I am finished supporting it and I am now retired from promoting rides and gatherings.
Tis been great fun, and a fine experience, but I have become old against my will and tis just too much effort.
Time for a young replacement?