You have Cruisers 2, Curley's in Hauser and can always start at Daley's Cheap Shot where they have MC parking in the back.
byw, you guys missed Spokanistan.
Thanx for the tips.
I shall check these places out.
You ARE coming as well, correct?
We can meet at Cruisers, as I know where that is and you can show us the others . . .???
I will be there, I may take off the 25th, I will need to look at it. Cheap Shots is out in the Valley, probably the best place to start just because it is closer in to where you will be staying, where ever that is.
I will be there, I may take off the 25th, I will need to look at it. Cheap Shots is out in the Valley, probably the best place to start just because it is closer in to where you will be staying, where ever that is. Cheap Shots Curley's
Patrick and Bruce,
Does an original hook up at DALEY'S CHEAP SHOTS located at 6412 Trent Ave Spokane sound good?
I just want the other riders who have not been there to experience the ride through at Cruisers during daylight.
Then we can go to Curley's.
We shall likely blow into Spokanistan circa 4 PM on June 24t.
If you'all would give me your phone numbers, I'll call when we arrive.
Cruisers would be a good start also, and work back toward Spokane. Being a Wednesday night it shouldn't bee too crowded at those places, not like a Thursday night.
Patrick and Bruce,
Does an original hook up at DALEY'S CHEAP SHOTS located at 6412 Trent Ave Spokane sound good?
I just want the other riders who have not been there to experience the ride through at Cruisers during daylight.
Then we can go to Curley's.
We shall likely blow into Spokanistan circa 4 PM on June 24t.
If you'all would give me your phone numbers, I'll call when we arrive.
I for one meet all of you going east to spokane in ephrata on the 23th if that is still the plan if not just let me know when you cross into ephrata my phone is 250 497 2020 do not pass it along to merchandisers!!
FYI - on June 24th a small group of us Vets are riding to Spokane to visit the Veteran's Home there on the 25th.
We hope to hook up with @albertaduke Patrick and hang awhile at "Cruisers 2" for the afternoon/evening of the 24th.
Love to hook up with you as well if you be interested???
How are you guys coming across? Are you taking I90 or Hwy 2? Either way you have to drive past me to get to Spokane so I can meet up with you on the outskirts either way.
FYI - on June 24th a small group of us Vets are riding to Spokane to visit the Veteran's Home there on the 25th.
We hope to hook up with @albertaduke Patrick and hang awhile at "Cruisers 2" for the afternoon/evening of the 24th.
Love to hook up with you as well if you be interested???
I'm interested, but I'll be finishing up our move from E'burg. If we're done, and I've recovered (I'l be about 3 weeks shy of 61 at that point), I will make it. May even bring the wife on her Harley (if you don't mind --she's not hard on the eyes! ;-) )
How are you guys coming across? Are you taking I90 or Hwy 2? Either way you have to drive past me to get to Spokane so I can meet up with you on the outskirts either way.