Rocket lll Touring NO CONFIDENCE


Standard Bore
Jul 21, 2013
I purchased the 2008 Triumph Rocket lll in March of 2013. Obviously used but with only 4,500 miles. It is now August 2013 and I have 9,000 miles
So far: The rear drive oil bolt broke off in my hand. It is a hollow bolt with a magnet inside. It is such a poor design that is hard to believe it is even on the bike. After having half of the bolt fall into the rear drive I was fortunate to be able to fish it out with a flexible magnet. I replaced it with a magnetized hex bolt.
The ignition switch failed which turns out to be a common problem. I spoke to T and they acknowledged the issue and spoke of a bypass to reduce current flow through the switch. The dealer doesn't even acknowledge that there is a problem (Foothills Triumph-Lakewood Colorado). The truly unbelievable reality is that the faulty switch is still in use and they will sell it to us. We did a keyless entry bypass to solve the issue after a very long and expensive tow.
The starter is now failing and must be repaired.
On my way home today the shifter broke off from where it is bolted to the engine.
This bike only has 9,000 miles on it….In another thousand I guess I will need a head rebuild. This is the epitome of “hunk of Junk”.
When I first saw this bike I was wondering why there were not zillions of them on the road as it seemed to be a viable alternative with a more classic design to the Goldwing…..NOW I know why.
sorry your having so many problems. I have 20k on mine without one problem. My Goldwing riding partner has had to rebuild the entire front end and it cost him over $1500 and he still cant stay with me in the turns. My Harley friends, well I don't even need to tell you there woes. My guess is you got a Monday morning built bike and that the assembly people still had a hangover.
Sorry to hear about your problems, which by the way are easy to fix if you are willing to give your beast a second chance
Mine is one of the very first ones built, it is an 05 built in o4, i have over 30,000 miles on it with only a clutch switch malfunction costing less than $150 to repair.
I knew about the switch so before it gave me any problems i installed the Eastern Beaver relay kit.
All bikes have the potential of breaking down, the way i see it, if it is man made it can break, my sugestion is that if you like the bike fix it and enjoy it, the rockets are reliable, we ride 1000s of miles every year going to Rockets across America gatherings, in fact, in about a month we will be headed to Texas with some members riding 3000 miles in a week.
There are people in this forum that can walk you thru the repairs needed on your bike so you can ride it with confidence and find out what an amazing machine the rocket is. Good Luck!!!
I have a 2013 R3T and have over 30,000 miles on her. Had an issue with the heated grips I had installed after my purchase but other than that no issues whatsoever. Other than I am on my third set of tires. Be nice if they would make a longer lasting one

And of course maintenance is not cheap....
Crap! I guess I'm going to have to sell my 012. I installed the Eastern beaver, still have to laugh when I hear the name, kit to head off the ignition switch problem when I first bought the bike new two years ago this last July. I only have 8,000 miles on my bike, as it's been house projects for the last two years since I bought it and have not been able to ride it much. But crap, if I'm at 8,000 miles and your at 9,000 miles, I better sell it and go back to my Hardly,,,,.

Quite frankly, if you want a bike that will most likely never break down, buy a Honda. I had a 2005 ST1300 and most on the ST Owners forum had basically no major problems. I called it my "Singer sewing machine." It was whisper quiet, was built like a hand built Rolls Royce and would haul ass. The problem for me was the bike had no soul. I needed something to work on and modify. In the Rocket I have that bike.

I will add you are lucky you choose this forum to vent on, as we are a great group of Rocket riders. (Except for Mully the banned step child) If you put a post like that on a Harley forum you would have been MF'ed off the board!! Those guys eat and sleep with their beloved air cooled antique bikes! I think they park them next to their beds also. Not sure, but I would not be surprised.

You have how many miles on your 2013 Rocket? Your ass must be built of steel. I bet you could crack a beer can open if you put it between your cheeks! Do you ever sleep? Do you ever have a day when you don't ride that thing? Amazing. Simply amazing!

Thanks for the warning .. glad because I've got nearly 110,000 klms up on my Rocket so i'd better prepare myself for all these problems that are on there way .. i'd rather travel by donkey than ride a Goldwing but that's just me I know

I hear your pain Colorado, sounds fairly frustrating

The diff bolt will only break through over torquing - this is operator error rather than an inherent fault (I'm not suggesting you did it, could easily have been over tightened following initial filling/service etc. that said, I do agree that it is a piss poor design.)

The ignition problem IS an obvious design flaw that would be better rectified by way of recall - it doesn't happen to all bikes though....?

The shifter, well, thats just bad luck I guess.

Just don't throw the baby out with the bath water