Well, when you’re toys are bigger than this groups focus, the smaller future projects take a rear seat. Late doesn’t mean wrong, lol ! I didn’t even check the date, because a discussion is a discussion on the net. Quite honestly, revisiting subjects is never a bad thing. Sometimes it helps gain a perspective not yet obtained. Proper Perspective is wisdom !
Well, when you’re toys are bigger than this groups focus, the smaller future projects take a rear seat. Late doesn’t mean wrong, lol ! I didn’t even check the date, because a discussion is a discussion on the net. Quite honestly, revisiting subjects is never a bad thing. Sometimes it helps gain a perspective not yet obtained. Proper Perspective is wisdom !
Hello @67Cuda, I for one understand perspective quite well. One perspective may be to introduce oneself to a new group and tell the members what brought you to said group; such as a shared interest in what the group's purpose is. Another perspective may be stated in a positive manner, people have differing opinions about all sorts of machinery from bike to cars, the list go on. Someone who re-engineers an engine from one type of vehicle into another is pretty cool to many folks. And even if the vehicle is not their preferred ride, there is still positive light to shed on the fact they modified something into what they think is cool.
We have a thread specifically for new folks to provide whatever information they wish when they join. You can find it here: Introduce Yourself !!
We look forward to seeing your rides too.
All in all, we are a large group of international riders, not all R3s, but still a pretty tight family in many ways. And many of us do love the muscle cars of the 60s and early 70s.
Hello, I found this site and thought I would comment on the Rocket 3 powered car I built. It more or less is a Lowcost 6 not a 7. It is powered by a 2007 R3 engine. The car weights 1050 empty, so is only slightly heavier than the motorcycle it came out of. I have about 1500 miles on it and it has been trouble free. I used a MGB as a donor car so I could have wire spoke wheels , disc brakes ect. Needles to say it has plenty of power. If anyone is interested there's more. MK.
It's just a grey epoxy primer I'll ride it until winter to make sure my bigger tank doesn't leak and make sure I don't get stress cranks in the fabrication in aluminum, then in winter get it painted. I love it:)