Rocket III Carpenter Racing side badges available

Curious, is your Carpenter bike for sale at Team Power Center? Or did you get another bike? Id love to ride maybe this summer with you. Im only an hour or so away.....
Still have my 09 classic. The one at Team Power is nice and well kept. I'm located near WI Dells.
These new side cover badges look sick!! Im gonna say those badges are at least worth 5hp. Probably more! Gonna confuse the Hurtin Dollarson peeps even more now! Look close on the head yall, I paid full admission for those badges!

You're very close now
Hey RIIIR Art from Carpenter Racing aka IMFASTTOO told me to order 3 pairs of these badges from you for our bikes. Can you send me an invoice or give me a total cost. My email address is Thank you.