Rocket III as a first bike?

If you have your life insurance and donor card up to date then by all means go ahead and get a Rocket III.

I did 57000 kms in the 8 years before I bought my third bike a Rocket III.

Started on a 250cc then onto an 1100cc that was a big step up in power.

Then the Rocket was a massive step again.

Just whatever you decide to do enjoy getting a motorbike and have fun.
NO,NO,NO buy something used, a mid sized bike, but not the Rocket. You'll have plenty of time to get a Rocket. You've been warned.


Well....disagree. My first bike was a Rocket ( after about an hour on a Storm) dealer put me off rocket for reasons you state. Anyway went back...bought rocket, never ridden anything else and I’d say GO FOR IT , RESPECT IT , AND GIVE YOUR SELF TIME ...

Dead right. Just need to understand this and practice.
Do it! Hello Henry and welcome from Virginia. Every bike is dangerous not matter the size or power. Learning to ride a Rocket is really no different than learning to ride on a small machine. The weight is heavy that is true, but it is the rider who controls the power.
I have helped many people get their first bike and to me, the biggest consideration is does the machine fit the rider. If not, then yes, get another bike to begin with. But if you are a sturdy fellow, I see no reason not to go for the beast out the chute. Be cautious and always pay attention to physics, your personal capabilities and the machine's.
Good luck on your purchase and I can't wait to see you on your new bike!
I like to believe that riding a motorcycle is a simple thing. Almost everyone has ridden a bike right? Well put a engine on it and you have a projectile. Learning the safety requirements of a motorcycle isn't done in a few days. Time, miles, weather conditions and other idiots on the road are a must to even have a chance at success. A rocket rides similar to other motorcycles. Twice the raw power of most. More enjoyment than any other big bike for me, but absolutely little forgiveness for fools.
Number 1 thing is that you dont take riding any motorcycle lightly when it comes to riding on the road. Take a riders education class, please for your sake. There is a lot of good advice here about your question. It is dependent on what you think your abilities are. Like many here I have been riding since I was a young lad, so the progression was never noticeable. However I have a neighbor that had never ridden a motorcycle in his life until he rode one of my bikes. He is a heavy equipment operator so he is mechanically inclined as well as he has terrific hand , eye, foot coordination. He is 6 feet tall and about 190 lbs. I let him ride a 08 Kawasaki Vulcan 900 around the neighborhood to get comfortable. We took a ride after he felt good, I had him follow me around and he did very good. We came back and I asked him if he wanted to try the Rocket. He sat on it, started it, got a little comfortable with the clutch and then declined to ride it.

I would encourage you to ask some friends to ride their bikes if they have small or middle weight bikes. See how you do. I am not saying not to buy the Rocket as your first bike, just keep in mind that it is big, heavy and powerful. Not having the muscle memory or instincts to let off the throttle, pull in the clutch, use the front and rear brakes correctly, counter steer, etc... is what gets most people into trouble.

So with all that said, I agree 100% with what Boog said about the rider controlling the bike. In the case of my neighbor he still rides with me on occasion on one of the bikes I have here but he wont ride the Rocket. He knows his limitations. That is what you need to decide. What ever you do take a riders course. Riding a bike on the road could be dangerous. There are a lot of things you need to be aware of 100% of the time. Other drivers being the # 1 hazard. But keep in mind, the Rocket is the best bike on the road and you will absolutely love it.