Rocket has gone to a new home!

Well Codger not much left that hasn’t been said. I feel for you bro as I have health problems that will eventually pull me from the road.

Haven’t told anyone on here but I was diagnosed with glaucoma two years ago. It is the 2nd leading cause of blindness and you have a 50% chance of going blind.

I have come to terms with it and decided if and when that day comes I will end my life rather than not see.

Anyways enough of this crap. I hope to hear of you riding again. And please stay on the forum. Have always enjoyed you and besides, I can’t very well be an old grumpy prick by myself!
Yes you can but we won't let you...just to make you grumpy!
Boss hoss trike grumpy and keep on twisting and smiling
Trikes are a total waste of time in the UK. If you have not been recently you can have no idea how congested UK roads are.

I go every year to see my parents (now just mum) and the last 4 years the roads have become more and more congested.
Even a "wide" bike makes life restrictive.

Sure there are country roads with less traffic, but usually very narrow - full of tractors or harvesters - many actually incapable of sustaining two way traffic without passing bays. Often poorly surfaced too.

What's even more fun is that UK homes have "standard" sized garages. And as cars have become safer (i.e. wider) they no longer fit in garages - so cars are parked on the roadside and this narrows the urban roads still further.

The ideal bike for the UK is a pre 1970 350-500 single.
Thank you one an all for your kind words and encouragement for the future. Leave the forum? It's been like a second home for the last couple of years much to the wifes' annoyance! As I've already forewarned a few members on here, I will be having rather a lot of excess time on my hands in the next 3 months or so the level of banal statements and stupid smart arse comments is likely to increase somewhat!