Rocket Future

Personally speaking and from my heart, I feel that the R3 is about the most enjoyable bike I have ever ridden or owned and I've owned many, many bikes over my 57 years.

The R3 is a very competent handling bike even in stock form. It is very forgiving for it's size and weight and I find no faults other than a somewhat top heavy feeling at extermely slow speeds which disappears once the bike's velocity exceeds 5 mph.

It's what it isn't that makes it right for me. The R3 is like my favorite leather jacket, the one I wear above all others. It's about being comfortable and confident at the same time.

I agree with Hondax that the R3 is a cult bike and I'm very happy to be part of that cult.
I hope we don't have to drink poison Kool AId, shake a tambourine and sell flowers at the airport, or wear Nike sneakers and wait for the mother ship to come. I love my R/3 but there are limitations.
Sidecar Flip said:
I agree with Hondax that the R3 is a cult bike and I'm very happy to be part of that cult.

Agree wholeheartedly. In 39 years of riding (40 next January!), I have never related so much to a motorcycle:bch:
Hondax said:
Where would one go for de-programmed our desire from Rockets?

To Harley-Davidson, dear Watson. Those of us who used to have a Harley (I once was one of them) and who are occasionally lamenting their separation from the mediocre yet dominant Harley herd. Or those who just miss the venerable V-Twin, seemingly habit-forming, potatoe-potatoe asthmatic snore.

And others who have NO prior Harley experience and who still naively or idyllically --and thus blindly-- continue to see the Road King as a plausible alternative to the Rocket.

Sherlock Jamie
R3 future

I saw the dealers invoce when I bought my bike and I only bought the sissy bar and pad and I can tell you after I got done with them they only made 600 of the bike. I only payed 13,250 for my yellow rocket before my trade in. Every time i mentioned getting a tribal shipped in he would come down another 150$. I got the feeling he really wanted to get rid of that yellow bike.
When I bought my Rocket in Oct. the Dealer told me that the MSRP Had come down (yes Down) for 2007. So the bikes they had on the floor (06's) Were Adjusted for late season off of the 07 prices. Otherwise I would surely waited for a 07. Also the Touring package is a substantial savings. There are just a ton of pricing to compare to, where you start is for most people "What I paid" and Not based on what I can buy new for. I'm Keepin Mine! so what there selling for makes no difference. If you can find a good buy scoop a couple up in different colors, You'll always have the fastest color of the week

I was going to go for the 07 but the price was right and the dealer told me they made no changes to the 07 from 06. so truely whats the diffrence if they have 0 miles.
No changes other than Color options, I liked the Black Cherry/White and they knocked off a little extra cause I sure they wanted to dump the 06. They did announce the touring model after I bought mine, which I have all the parts & goodies, But I do like the Black Engine. It makes mine fastest when its Black bike is faster week. Then of course I OK when its Red is faster week. I'm thinking maybe raised yellow lettered tires for Yellow is fastest week
All bike models come to an end at some time, except for the Enfield? Even the venerable Honda CB 750 died in 2003. I didn't buy my Rocket expecting Triumph to make Rockets forever, and if they ever decide to end production of the Rocket, that will be fine with me. I would not consider selling the Rocket because Triumph decides to stop building them. I'll just feel sorry for those who never got the chance to experience one..