Rocket 3 TFC Initial Service

Must be the same QC person who missed the ugly welding spots

The tire is off center by design. 5mm I think. It was made this way to improve some aspect of handling. I don’t know the specifics but my mechanic showed it to me and told me they went over the reasons in the tech class he attended to be qualified to service the new bikes. All the 2020 Rockets are built this way.
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So Doc you are saying that it is the tire and not the fender?
So Doc you are saying that it is the tire and not the fender?
It is the tire and wheel. Look closely I think you will find the fender is centered but the tire/wheel is off to the right I believe?

There are several aspects of the bike that are slightly off center including the engine and crank shaft in order to counterbalance the torque. British engineering that has ties back to lessons learned with the Rolls-Royce merlin engine in the P-51 Mustang and other military aircraft. Try fitting that on a motorcycle frame
I’ll be doing my own my 2020 Rocket 3 R. Rotella T6 15w40 full synthetic, using my reusable oil filter from my 2017 Rocket 3R. I’ll change out the drive shaft oil. Total for me $30 . The reusable oil filters are perfect so you can check for metal shavings! Already paid the Dealer when I bought the Bike and they stole my 2017 Rocket Roadster for $7000 oh well.
I just paid the same on mine