Rocket 3 tee's anyone ? (revisited)

Al, pay Fred direct and note in PayPal that you'd like it included in the package to me. $13 per shirt plus $3.50 postage per shirt. Alternatively you can do a bank transfer to me and I'll send your payment along with mine to Fred.

Fred, I'll wait a little longer for any stragglers and will put my payment through next week, if that's OK. I will be ordering the 4 indicated.

It's fine by me. I'm going to let the group decide when to cut off the ordering.
Hi all. I have currently been paid for 48 shirts. I'm going to buy some also so we will have at least 50. I'm going to make the cut-off day Saturday December 24. If you want a shirt, get me a check or paypal me before that date or your out !

Thanks to all who ordered ! Fred
Just checking, did you get my PayPal payment for 5 shirts + postage + a little extra
and Thank You in Advance, Looking forward to them, you are worth more money

Thanks for all you've done on this project
Fred, my payment sent for 2 Large and 2 Small via PayPal. If the Aussie order is smaller than expected and you need extra postage, make sure you let me know.

Without you Fred there would be no orders... So a big thanx to you Sir!
(Especially from us downunder)
Fred, my payment sent for 2 Large and 2 Small via PayPal. If the Aussie order is smaller than expected and you need extra postage, make sure you let me know.

Got your payment. A bit of trivia. There are so many Rick (Richard) Smith's here in the states, they have their own organization !
We have a relatively famous entrepeneur called *****Smith. Self made, started a chain of electronic stores. He organises events just for Smiths with special treament for Dicks - yeah yeah, real funny; heard it all. He has a theory that everyone used to be called Smith until they did something wrong or stupid and then had to change their name. Not quite applicable to me, however.

My grandfather Szmitkowski arrived here from Poland between the wars and was told noone could pronounce his name so he'd be called Smith. Centuries of Polish heritage evaprated at the stroke of a pen by a junior clerk dockside at Melbourne, late 1920s. Almost certainly made my school life easier though. Australia through the 60s wasn't quite as multicultural as it is today.