Yes it was a long stretch.
Very possibly simply water in the oil from condensation venting out. Give it a ride or two and see if it clears up.

Blueish smoke - oil
White - water
Black - Fuel
Very possibly simply water in the oil from condensation venting out. Give it a ride or two and see if it clears up.

The problem with that is I changed the oil and its still doing it but not as bad.

When you say dimple, there is a small hole that connects to the breather hose on the bottom of the filter housing. How much is a little debris? Breather could be blocked causing blow by, but again oil is more of a blueish smoke.
When you say dimple, there is a small hole that connects to the breather hose on the bottom of the filter housing. How much is a little debris? Breather could be blocked causing blow by, but again oil is more of a blueish smoke.
If that is connected to a breather then that might be the problem. It was blocked a nd I tried to suck the debris out with a straw but I don't think I got it all. I am going to Utah in an hour with the bike, I'll see if it clears up. If not next week I'll do a leak down test. Ill check the water today.