Rocket 3 GT as an Iron Butt Machine


E pluribus unum
Jan 3, 2019
California, USA
2023 Rocket 3 GT (Ego), 2021 Zero SR/S (Earth)
Completed my first Saddle Sore 1000 this summer on the Rocket 3 GT. Most I did in a single day on my previous bikes was 780 miles, so this was pushing it for me on two fronts: can I do it and would the Rocket be comfortable enough for me? Yes on both counts, though I think I will do it on a different tire if I do this type of ride again because it just eats the nice Cobra Chrome unnecessarily. I was pressed for time, so road from Vancouver, WA, to Los Angeles, CA, straight down I-5 completing 1,012 in 17.5 hours including stops. Super easy, minimal fatigue, little to no shoulder pinch, and quiet enough I listened to books the whole way. Likely a Bun Burner Gold is possible, but having to stop every 120-140 miles for fuel eats time. Plus I wanted to make sure I stayed in the right mindset since this was my first 1k run and stopped at several rest stops (was over 90 degrees F during the day so drank lots of water) and the obligatory tall mountain backdrop picture. Showing Mt Shasta and another roadside vista in Central California below. Also the picture from the Redwoods earlier in the week that I thought fitting.

Thought I would share in case others are wondering if they would make the Rocket an endurance machine.
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Well done, sir.

And the top box setup looks great. How easy/difficult is it to put on ? can you share some pics of the rack ?
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Congratulations on completing your amazing ride. Ya gotta do these while you're still young. I wish I could, but not at 73.
Congratulations on completing your amazing ride. Ya gotta do these while you're still young. I wish I could, but not at 73.
I hear you. Did my IBA qualifier at age 59 in 2012 on my 05 Standard (I converted to Classic). Course to spice that ride up we did it on the hottest day of the year so I was able to get really heat stressed and dizzy in Colorado. Nothing like being 450 miles from home on the outbound leg and wondering if you'll make it back alive, very fun indeed. That said, the only part of me when I got home that hurt was my bum. A better seat would have been a good idea.
Way to go Jay, 200 300 thats it, blah blah blah, Jay smacked down a 1000 to stop the whinning! thank you Jay, now some of the new gts i ride with might not fright at 500 anymore, the bar gas been set high for the gt!