Rocket 3 Belt Buckles

skip did u send the other buckle out or did u lose my address again
Naw believe it or not,
LeAnn has it on "file" for me now..
Other buckle, nope still sittin here on my eatting table I see.
It's pretty much a catch-all for everything from bills to buckles to medicines,
to whatever comes through the door.
In the mail Monday morning bro, sorry, just got lost under a stack of what appears
to be a motorcycle tag expiration notice....
Hmmm, guess I need to tend to that too.
On another note,
I did get my 3 headlights put on yesterday.
The 3rd one ain't wired in yet, but they're on there...

did you actually intend to use it as another headlight or as a driving light, I'v been looking for a driving light to mount under the headlights to make a perect triangle but as yet have not found one that will match the headlight closly enought so have been thinking of getting a OEM headlight shell and putting a driving light insert in it but it's on the back burner for now.... more important things to do...
Sorry to see you got stuck with one of the Left Over Rejected Slower Black ones

Nah , it wasn't a leftover. I had the choice of the tasteful and particularly quick black or another colour.
i decided on the black, coz the salesman said the red ones were designed for ----

Hmmmmm what was the word he used--------------------

geriatrics ?

-------- yes , that was it