
I really doubt Triumph would be lying about the torque or horsepower or the fact that they beefed up clutch and final drive. I believe they would have not brought up the topic before lying about it. I can't remember where I saw it but I thought the cams was different as well.

The Roadster is "out with the old and in with the new" bike. I really love the gas gauge on the Roadster. I see fellow classics pulling in gas stations. I look down at my gauge and it says for example 146 miles to go on what's left in the tank. "You not getting any gas?" I say "Nah not on this stop" Also gear selector and clock. I mean I would have not bought a Rocket III if it wasn't for the Roadster.

My friend was looking at buying 08 but first he couldn't get the dealership to meet his price in mind and second he didn't like the pipes. He asked me if he bought it could I put Roadster pipes on it like mine. I told him I wasn't sure. The sound of the Roaster is awesome compared to the classic sound.

Reading your posts sound like you might need to consider the Touring model anyways.
Not saying Triumph lied about it; but some people have been underwhelmed at the supposed performance increase. Maybe on a dyno they got a certain number at the fly wheel that was bigger but at least one member on here had hp measured on a dyno at only around 120hp at the back wheel. I guess the point is that it's probably more hype than fact and IF there is any increase it's not noticeable at the back wheel because of the extra weight a Roadster is carrying - those gargantuan cans and ABS for a start. I've ridden a Roadster and I did feel smooth for sure but flat compared to mine with only very minor mods. Just sayin'.

This is all i could find regarding the cams
New cam drive components were utilized to reduce engine noise

I would like the ABS brakes.Especialy in the wet,and the rear suspension is much better. Take one on a test drive Ray.
I used to own an 05 Standard and now I am riding a '11 Roadster. Here's a few of my observations.
The ride is more refined on the Roadie, better rear shocks and springs. I haven't been kicked out of the seat yet.
The pegs are located a little further to the rear, but I have the crash bars and highway pegs, so I get to stretch my legs out when I have the need.
I like the gauges, ie gear indicator, fuel level, miles to empty, clock, etc.
The power feels about the same as my standard, which both bikes had/have the TORS and retuned by the dealer.
The exhaust is growing on me. I didn't like the two pipe look, but now it is growing on me. The sound is a little mellower than the earlier three pipe TORS, again it is growing on me.
Everything else is the good ole Rocket and it's great to be back on one.
Ray the seat is thicker it makes the reach to the bar's feel Better,having the pegs back puts your feet under you (Better feel) ABS is Good, Guages Good, shock's Good,Power about the same ,Pipes (TOR's) Have a Growl (Good Thing) it will Kill & eat most anything on the Road .

Coincidentally, I am on the way home from purchasing a 2011 R3R from an individual in NC. True I am older and spoiled to my favorite "pull back bars" on my R3 STD but I am having serious problems with comfort on this bike. I feel like I am on a ****** rocket. The pegs feel like they are under my butt and I have to REEEACH way forward to get to the handle bars. It wouldn't be a big deal except I have another 1K miles to go and I am already through my day's allocation of NORCO and still having significant back pain. It is a little too late but I am questioning if this was a wise purchase.

PS It feels no nearly as powerful as the STD but that isn't a fair comparison as my STD has a few added HP and a GIPRO w ATRE Somebody previously used the term under whelmed ... fits.