Well apparently they changed it for some reason. Maybe they had some complaints on the three pipes in which I personally think look ridiculous. One on one side and two on the other looks like the pipe is missing.
Funny how everyone has a different eye for these things. I like my Jardines but was also a big fan of the 3 pipe set up. Thought it looked cool and fit the Rocket Triple theme.
Newby here. Just cracked the first 100 miles on my new 2012 R3R. I HAD to have ABS on my next motor and that's why the R3R over a classic. Peg and bar position not good for my old stiff body so I am working to change that. Pipes are kind of like women - each to his own; but, I feel clean and neat is best so I'd prefer a three into one. Only one I have seen to date is the one from Carpenter Racing and it doesn't look baffled at all. Are there any others to consider?
Best Regards,
Granted, 2 pipes is symmetrical but makes as much sense on a 3 cyl bike as 3 pipes would on a 4 cyl. With the engine running north/south the bikes' inherently asymmetrical anyway and the standard 3 pipe set up is logical - as is 3 into 1. One pipe on each side would be better suited to an east/west engine where everything up front is more symmetrical too. Just my aesthetic opinion.
I got rid of the whole system from the headers back on my Roadsterafter it had done 1000k. I thought they looked like they came off the back of a Kenworth cab. The 2 mufflers and the 1 into 2 crossover thing wieghed 18 kilo's. The nice little muffler I have on now weighs 2 kilo's and sounds and flows better with the added benefit of being tucked up and in so it doesn't scrape. The only downside is we made it that neat that you have to remove the muffler to get the stud out that goes through the swingarm into the rear caliper when changing the rear tyre. If and when we build another new and improved model I'll fix that.
So guy's
Are we saying that the increased power claims are BS and my standard makes about
the same power what about the tranny upgrades for a smoother change and the beefed up clutch and final drive..plus rear suspension.
We can all see that the gauges are different and that it as a gear position indicator and
a clock plus ABS.
These are things i can live without..what i wanted was for me a better riding position
and more poke..not being a wrencher i tend to leave my bikes stock.
Now i'm very fond of my standard and if it's only going to come down to riding position
i'll keep her and change the pegs out
I need to lay down i'm getting confused
There's plenty going for a Roadster Ray but I sure wouldn't buy one expecting it to blast away from your current Standard. If you can live without the other features and all you're after is a different riding position, I'd be looking to swap out your pegs and spend the rest of what you save on some things to make you more comfortable (if fiddling isn't your bag).
There's plenty going for a Roadster Ray but I sure wouldn't buy one expecting it to blast away from your current Standard. If you can live without the other features and all you're after is a different riding position, I'd be looking to swap out your pegs and spend the rest of what you save on some things to make you more comfortable (if fiddling isn't your bag).
Jeez i struggle putting petrol in
To be honest i thought more power and a better riding position would be a winner.
But if i'm only going to get the riding position i'll keep my standard.
I've had the standard almost 3yrs which is a record for me..mostly 18months or 2yrs
and i've got something else. But i do like the sound of Roadster Ray
Move the pegs, black out some bits and buy a ROADSTER oil tank embellisher. Then just explain why the 3 pipe system makes more sense than the 2 Goofy feet and you've got yourself a "custom" Roadster!