Roadster transmission problems sorted.... My a***!

I have a 2010 Roadster and I ride it pretty hard. I do wheelies and crazy stuff like burn
No problems yet.
If you ever ride that beast to Myrtle Beach, let me know. I know of nobody in my area that has one.
I have a 2010 Roadster and I ride it pretty hard. I do wheelies and crazy stuff like burn
No problems yet.

I honestly believe riding the Rockets hard or using all the power that is in abundance is the not reason we have gearbox problems, it has been well documented that haphazard assembly practices are the Achilles heel of some of the rockets upon disassembling my 2011 Touring's gearbox we found the dreaded chipping/chamfering of 2nd and 3rd gear teeth edges and a spacer /thrust washer worn down to a razer blade thickness allowing massive end float for want of a better description ,my Son who has been doing the repairs said if I had not been so gentle with the bike or not so religious with oil changes and filters the thing would have shyte itself long before the 46000Klms it lasted
if you get a "good" one they are in our opinion capable of withstanding a hard life and have massive inbuilt strength ,but if you are unlucky to get a crook one be prepared for a bit of heartache
hard use or abuse has nothing to do with most failures as mine was ridden always well within the bikes potential ,if I am convinced the reported next generation of Rocket proves to be assembled better at a consistent rate I would buy another one,

Thanks for your thoughts. The one I have my eye on is a 2013 Tour model, only 3,000 miles. . . . but. The "but" is where I am left scratching my head. In my area, Harley pretty much rules. Their dealer network is superb and despite problems, the dealers usually step up. Yep, we call them "stealerships" but they do make the bulk of their profits in maintenance. Yamaha on the other hand struggles. Why? Because their bikes almost never break and my roadstar's tranny recall was a non event. I had been ignoring it and putting it off until I started to get some serious letters from Yamaha. Over 16 years, that is the only time mine has been in the shop for maintenance. Just a simple bulletproof VTwin with one central carb. Easy to maintain. I rejected it myself and have inspected or changed cams, liters and pushrods "just because". I would like to have that same experience with the R3 and be able to avoid the Triumph dealerships because there are none in my area. I would have to go a long way. I like wrenching, but I like riding more and getting stranded for me is not an option. I ride some desolate back roads sometimes. Thanks for your thoughts and honest opinion.
Oh ... I didn't realize you're my neighbor.

Yep, very proud of our state these days. Boeing is kicking butt in the lowcountry and I see today that the BMW plant in your area (Spburg) plans to double production of their SUV line and add another thousand jobs! If you ever get the chance to tour that plant, do it. Very impressive.
No PM required. Honest opinion. BEST bike I have ever owned. Bought new in Sept 15. Now at 28,000 miles runs like a top. Shifts better now than when new. NO problems at all with the bike. The only problem with the bike is the lack of Dealership support. The only time the bike has seen a dealership is when i got lazy and let them install new back tire. They completely #ucked it up. Have not been back since. I stay on top of the Maintenance and do not cut any corners. I do not ride the bike like a crazy person but do not baby it either. Very happy with the reliability and performance. Would I buy another one? In a heart beat. Have a very modified 2010 Harley Fatboy which when sold will more than likely take the money and buy another ROCKET. Just read your post. I leave in rural Oklahoma and ride to work just about everyday. 117 mile round trip on a highway that is wide open. Open fields and scrub oak for most of the ride. Half the ride is done in the wee hours of the morning (night shift) so having a reliable bike that is built to take the open road with no hiccups is very important. The Rocket X fits this bill and then some.
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Awesome. Thanks for the reply.