Roadster on Order

fat frank

Apr 28, 2010
Houston, Texas
Looking for a site for info on the Rocket. Curremtly own an 09 Bonnie with 80+ HP on the rear wheel. I'm dying to see what I can get out of the new R3 Roadster. Currently, I can't seem to get a confirmed shipment date on the new Matte Black Roadster. Supposed to hear from the sales manager today. Love the Bonnie, but this new Roadster looks good to me. I've riden a buddies R3 but wasn't use to the forward controls or the weight. Hoping the new riding position will suit me. Gonna have a lot of questions down the road, so get ready.

Hi Frank - welcome! I think you've come to the right forum.

I too have a Bonneville and recently took delivery of a Phantom Black Roadster.

I've upgraded the Bonnie too - big bore kit, flowed head, billet manifold, Staintune pipes, Thruxton crank - suspect similar ponies. Fantastic bike for flicking through corners.

You will LOVE the Roadster. Completely different but amazing presence and take off.

Welcome from another Texan.. There are plenty of answers here.. and several members on here are from the Houston area as well..

This bike is the next big thing you know..

Anyways... welcome Frank - your not the dude from the Pixies are ya with a name like that!?!?

Mmmm distorted guitar sub pop rock lovely..

Rock is back.. about **** time