Roadside puncture repair

Pete just mentioned on his truck it takes a large quick burst of air to re-inflate a tyre. Not that a 240 is truck size but we were wondering if just those pissy little canisters would do the trick.
If the tyre bead is NOT an interference fit(seal) against the rim - there's no way a pissy little compressor will do ANYTHING no matter what size it is. Was at my mates Guzzi shop last week and they were having a similar issue with a 140 tyre.

Tyre centres have things that allow them to fire about 30cubic metres of air at once between the tyre and rim - This blows the tyre out seals against the rim and the compressor then takes over filling via the valve. I've had to have this done n some 4*4 tyres.
If the tyre bead is NOT an interference fit(seal) against the rim - there's no way a pissy little compressor will do ANYTHING no matter what size it is. .

Can you explain this a bit more? I hate to think my pissy little compressor is just wasted space in my panniers

Excellent video that was a simple process just wear one belt and have a spare in your pannier. I've seen the tyre fitters use some type of fat and smear it around the inner circumference of the beads .it helps the tyre slide across the rim Q
..................................... I do carry a puncture kit and a 12v compressor though

Me too.

But cant see it being much use if the bead has broken. Theres no substitute for a good breakdown recovery subscription.
Rear tyre repair

I have plugged my rear tyre successfully on the side of the road & inflated it with my 12 volt compressor. It takes a while but I'm glad I had it with me.
ratchet strap has worked plenty of times for most. The airblaster the shops use is just a fast way of doing it. the best thing i can recommend is dishwashing liquid, and co2. if you need help use a ratchet, if that doesn't work and you can get your hands on some balloons, semi inflate the balloons and sit them in the gap. As the tyre inflates and creates a seal they'll pop and your all done. where do you find balloons you may ask...Well funny how many passer bys carry lubricated Ansell balloons in their glove box.