Try asking Triumph to send you the one that did not look as nice but gave better protection. The guy should have sing off saying, safe, enjoyable and dirty riding because that the way we designed it.
When I saw the first picture of the bike I thought that water spray would be a problem. When I saw the bike in person then I was quite certain. There seem to be quite a few things on the bike that look good, but are not really practical. On the bright side though, the passenger seat looks so uncomfortable to me that noone would ride for any distance on it anyway.
When I saw the first picture of the bike I thought that water spray would be a problem. When I saw the bike in person then I was quite certain. There seem to be quite a few things on the bike that look good, but are not really practical. On the bright side though, the passenger seat looks so uncomfortable to me that noone would ride for any distance on it anyway.
I had the same problem with my Harley Fatbob, i used parts from a different bike and extended it 4 inches, i got my problem fixed, good thing this thread came up, i was about to call a dealer in Texas to go test ride3 one, i think i will hold off
I had the same problem with my Harley Fatbob, i used parts from a different bike and extended it 4 inches, i got my problem fixed, good thing this thread came up, i was about to call a dealer in Texas to go test ride3 one, i think i will hold off