Road Safety Thread

Great post- I'm always looking to learn something new. Here's my favs, many already mentioned....
  • Watch the front wheel of that car at an intersection. It's the first thing to move. I'd don't trust eye contact.
  • Often a motor rev is faster and louder than the horn.
  • The sun in my eyes sucks a whole lot less than having the sun in their eyes. I grin and bear it.
  • Smidsy wave- I call it "wagging," to get noticed. I use it regularly, but have never seen another rider use it. Glad someone posted that.
  • When following a vehicle that may be blocking me from the view of someone about to make an oncoming turn, I will either lag back or "wag" into view toward the oncoming car (well ahead, of them, of course) so they will see me.
  • Dorky high viz helmet and jacket- so long as the Bike looks good!
  • ***18 wheelers- DO NOT hang out behind or beside them! I've had two tire blow outs in front of me when on a bike. Steel belted tires become shrapnel and sh$t flies everywhere. Once you've witnessed that, a true explosion, you'll never want to be around it again. Trucks are my excuse to righteously exercise my Rocket's torque response, in order to overtake them as quickly as possible.
  • Intersections- when I see a car approaching an intersection ahead, from my left or right, where they are supposed to stop (I have trust issues), I speed up to beat them past the intersection, then no worries.
Has anyone else noticed when you're in your car people tailgate and act a fool but when on your motorcycle people give you a wide birth. Is it the stigma or bad rap bikers get about being undisciplined and just plain mean? I find that people always give you the right of way (if they see you that is) and give me distance. I come to a stop sign and people wave me through to go first. Some probably own motorcycles and the others are just a little weary of you. I use it to my advantage with a nice wave and off I go to instill fear into the motoring public.
Not in Atlanta. Car or motorcycle they will try to kill you. When I high sided people were still driving past me lol...

When driving a car, I always give bikers a wide berth. I know I appreciate that courtesy when it is extended to me.
i have noticed that also it feels good to know that most people leaves u a little extra room.
when i follow mcs i try to leave a safe distance and take the time to follow them and stop rather slow if i am going the same direction. once and a while someone will pull in behind the mc.
i know i appreciate it when it happens to me.
if someone tailgates i take an extra long time to slow to make the corner. this also works very well to get them off your ass.
Not in Atlanta. Car or motorcycle they will try to kill you. When I high sided people were still driving past me lol...
In Aug of 2012, I hit a fawn on my FZ-1, the two cars behind me keep on driving as I careened off the curve...