Road Safety Thread

Ok mister. I should not have to open a dictionary while reading thru the forum

The AMA lobbied against helmet laws because crashing better isn't safety. They lobbied for both rider AND driver education and training, which IS safety by definition. Putting a piece of plastic and some cowhide doesn't make a rider with poor skills any better, not does it teach drivers to look for us a little longer.
i seen this several times on the road people afraid to lean the bike and they cross over the double lines into the other lane or just drive off the road.
after 9min 40sec just a story.
I was bored so I put together this summary of my 5 potentially near-death close calls last year along with my takeaways
for avoiding them in the future.

I take full or partial blame for all of them. In some cases I was tired or shouldn't have put myself in the situation.

Maybe some newer riders can learn from these scenarios.

This list does not include a few 'normal' close calls, just the REALLY close ones.

@tribal all good points to learn from, I seem to have some lesson just like this. Thanks for sharing
Interesting about what flashing your high beams actually means.
I thought it meant go ahead, I yield to you, at least when I'm in the car that's what I mean.
This morning at the WaWa parking lot I flashed a guy backing out while I was pulling in (in my car).
He stopped.

So don't flash your high beams and expect what you expect ;-)

yeah, no clear universal meaning.

We also flash once or twice if oncoming cars have their high beams on.

In a similar situation if I sense they’re going to cross I will just turn the high beams on and de-throttle. Better to temporarily impact them than to see how far I can fly without wings.

I always thought the double flash was universal, go ahead, I yield my right of way to you, but....

My friend's dad double flashed his lights at a car waiting to pull out, " just to make sure he saw him". He's still in a wheelchair, 25 years later. My friend does still ride, though, with his dad's blessing. When he told us that story I was dumbfounded, I thought everyone knew that.
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