Road Safety Thread

I hear ya and it was mostly a joke. I’m always evaluating the road and other vehicles. To much speed is not really safe.
But You're also correct Doc. In my experience it's important to be semi aggressive. Never be complacent and always take control because when you force yourself to be busy and aggressive you are constantly scanning and as Paul said, keep your head on a swivel. I'm not saying be a jerk or even rude but just a 'take control attitude'. It keeps you on your toes and alert. After a days riding and I dismount the Rocket i'm a little tense but for me that's a good thing.
Mel I just called 911 and asked for an ambulance for you as you must be choking on your words (To much speed is not really safe)
Called my bluff eh mate. Touché

I said I scan and evaluate and to much speed is not safe. I never said I always practice all the rules of safety. I do go fast at times but not all the time.
I like that, “take control” and I’ll raise you stay in in control.
I have 2 speeds . Fast and stop ! Bottom line , ride always in the knowledge that everyone and everything out there wants to and will kill you the second you take your eye off the ball .
Making eye contact with drivers at junctions and physically turning your head toward them goes some way to help preventing them pulling out on you . Dark visors negate this little trick tho and don't take for granted , that just coz you made eye contact with the driver , that they are not still gonna pull out on you ? Imagine every scenario and plan a possible escape route , Not just for gaps but also the landscape ? It's not the falling off so much that kills you , Its the objects you slide into . A high kerb at 60mph , can be just as dangerous as a head on !
It's not the falling off so much that kills you , Its the objects you slide into . A high kerb at 60mph , can be just as dangerous as a head on !
I think it was John Surtees who said something along the lines of "Speed does not kill - it's the rate of deceleration to zero that matters".