Road Safety Thread

I'v had a tractor encounter. The bottom line is that if they are in their territory the road belongs to them. They will approach an intersection from the farm road and just go 5 of 10 mph while pulling some farm gear. They don't even look or so it seems.
You're so right about "owning the road". I was watching one one time, and he was on a narrow country road, made a turn, and as he did so, an extension of his combine knocked over a road sign. He didn't seem to notice, and when I was back there several years later, the sign had not been replaced.
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My boxing coach liked to use the phrase, watch out for the one-two punch. That came to mind as I rode home from work today. A mile from home, I'm in the center of three through lanes with a merge lane on the far right. A silver Honda Passport coming off the merge lanes crossed over into my lane. The guy was on his phone. Young fellow wearing a road crew bright yellow vest. I laid on the horn as I moved over into the far left lane (no need to kick him). When we stopped at the light ahead, I gave him the international hand sign to put his phone down. His buddy was lying down in the passenger seat and sat up dress in the same type vest.
As I rode away when the light changed, I watched them in the mirror and seen that they were falling way back, I felt relieved to some extent.
Then a new feeling came over me, spidey senses kicking in. I made a left turn at the next light, in the right lane to move into the right exit lane when I saw two cars ahead of me indicating they were turning into a gas station on the right. No problem except they come to a complete stop. Some yayhoo in a service truck was stopped in the entrance way in the wrong lane.
The turning car honked and the three guys in the service truck all threw up their hands like "What's the problem".
I have mentioned having some problem with Brahma's front brakes lately but today they worked as advertised.
So within a half mile, I had to execute two emergency drills to avoid collisions. Like the coach said, Always look out for the one-two punch.