Road Safety Thread

We lost a local rider last night, Stephen C. Dallaria. I did not know him myself but he is in one of the local groups I ride with at times. Daylight Savings Time may be a factor, maybe not. But more bikers are out now and we are our onw first line of defense against the other drivers. Unfortunately, this is another sign of Spring...

LCSO Investigates Fatal Crash on Algonkian Parkway

The Loudoun County Sheriff’s Office is investigating a fatal crash that took the life of a motorcyclist Monday night.

The crash occurred shortly after 7:30 p.m. on Algonkian Parkway at Lowes Island Boulevard. A preliminary investigation determined the driver of a 2011 Prius was traveling westbound on Algonkian Parkway and was attempting to turn into a shopping center when he pulled in front of an eastbound motorcyclist. The driver of the Prius then sideswiped a second vehicle that was sitting at the intersection.

The motorcyclist, Stephen C. Dallaria, 40, of Great Falls, was taken to Reston Hospital where he lost his life. The driver of the Prius was also taken to Reston Hospital where he was treated for non-life-threatening injuries.

The crash remains under investigation by the Loudoun County Sheriff’s Office Crash Reconstruction Unit. Anyone who witnessed the crash and who has not already spoken to law enforcement is asked to contact Investigator D. Lake at 703-777-1021.

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I usually get angry reading these so I'll be quiet now.
Went for a quick ride today, weather has been too nice not to. Just a reminder, I don't know about the rest of the world, but in the Midwest it's that time of year. All the farmers are getting in the fields, so lots of slow moving farm equipment on the roads. We have lots of two lane blacktops with no shoulders, and sometimes they take up both lanes. I met four different tractors today all pulling stuff. So every hill you top and every corner you go around be prepared, you don't want to run into any of that.
An excellent brother. Back in 2008 just north of Denver on I-25, a Biker was on the on-ramp to head south. He slowed down to let the semi pulling a lot of farm implements get ahead to his demise. On the trailer was a chisel plow sticking out bit further than one would think. The truck did have a wide load sign but the biker couldn't see it coming in from the side like this. The chisel caught the rider in the back of the head; that was that.
Always keep you head on a swivel when riding, especially on ramps.
Thanks for that reminder @CamaroCarl.
Anytime humans are operating motor vehicles is a recipe for disaster.
Riding on the roadways with cages exposes us riders exponentially more than a cage driver.
At best, we riders are rolling the dice and hoping not to get snake eyes or boxcars.
In congested areas with intersections and cross streets, only super defensive and aware riding can help mitigate the inherent danger on a motor.
Burma Shave!

Stationed at Northwest VA was riding with a friend in his Austin Healey Sprite on the way to trade it in on a Sunbeam Tiger. Driving through the Great Dismal Swamp toward Virginia Beach we rounded a curve doing around 50 or so. A corn combine sat in the middle of the road. We hit it pretty much straight on. I ended up between two of the tines (or whatever they're called). Looked over and one of the tines had torn off the steering wheel. My buddy was laying face down on my lap. I was sure he was dead. Turned out he'd ducked just as we hit. We walked away with only few scalp lacerations.

No collision insurance, no Sunbeam Tiger.
Lots of mud put down on our roads by those tractor tires. Dead common this time of year.