So I got risers today and I have been reading information on the post. Before I try to install anything let me get this straight.
Add an extra 1 1/2" on the clutch cable and not 2"...Correct?
Yes, call up Barnett and tell them you want the stock R3T cable + 1.5. Fits like a glove on 2013 R3T.
Most say the throttle cables are not a problem or issue and would not have to be moved from the current routing..Correct?
Correct, in fact the two sets I have done I did not have to disconnect or adjust the throttle cables. OTOH, I believe someone did and posted on here about that. YMMV
It seems I saw somewhere the front brake line that connects to the cable distribution block is a problem and is too short with the risers... Yes or No?
I also saw that post that one person had issues with that but was able to overcome through repositioning of the block (IIRC) but mine does not ABS so I cannot address that particular issue.
As I mentioned earlier, I already bought a standard length cable awhile back to carry as a spare. I decided to keep it because I could always do the reroute thing and use it if I broke a cable on the road.
2015 R3T ABS