Rivco Risers on sale 49.95

That's quite a lineup of accessories Paul. I had the GiPro on my 07 Classic but got it for performance enhancement with the gear indicator being a plus. Do you recall the length of either the stock or the Barnett clutch cable?
Just installed the Rivco risers on my R3T last night. I tookthe top triple off as I also wanted tighten the steering head bearings.
The original link appears to still be good at that wonderful price, here we are three months later.
Time to get a little cheeky: Would anyone over the pond be prepared to buy some of these and ship them over to the UK for me? Needless to say I'll pay the costs, but they're excessively priced over here and i don't even know if I'll prefer it. I can't order and have them shipped here through their website. I don't know the weight/size to find a price for the shipping but hopefully one of you do. Or if anyone has some used black ones they don't want that would be even better.
Thanks in advance.
I have toyed with the idea for some time as I think it would make my ride a little more comfortable. I just ordered a set as I cant pass up the price. I guess I will need to order a longer clutch cable as I want to maintain the same routing. Off course being me, I bought a standard length cable from Barnett to carry as a spare several months ago. When I install the riser I guess I will offer the original length cable here on the forum.