Rivco Risers in the UK


.020 Over
Jan 27, 2009
Cornwall, UK
I was going to order a pair of risers for my stock R3 direct from Rivco. $148 seems quite a lot - but what the hell. Then I discovered the shipping was another $108.

Does that include the purchase of an aeroplane?

Anyone know if Rivco stuff is available in the UK? I know there was a supplier in Scotland somewhere but they seem to have gone.


I looked it up, for them to send it to me UPS, it would be $13.25 for ground shipping and then to ship something internationally USPS, it's about $40. With insurance, it'd be about $60. You could save almost half the shipping that way if you're not in a hurry. But, that's just an estimate. If you want me to look into it, let me know, I'd be happy to help you out.

The only thing I'm not sure about is, on the USPS website, they don't ask where a package is shipping from/to. They just give a list of prices...
Dont forget the tax you will get clobbered for to. Tax on the item value and even tax on the postage, that is crap, taxing the postage.

Thanks Johnathan. Sent you email.

Have a look here, hes based in Coventry in the UK.
