Rivco Risers How to R3T (pic heavy)

I would bet you are pulling the cable too tight, which is why locating it works out, it relieve the tension. Others have gone with longer cables, I used the stock +1.5 from Barnett, others have done +2.

I wish it were that simple. After I removed that clutch pawl, I never could get it to work correct again. It seems that it has a little spring tension but not as much as normal. When I pull the clutch pawl up manually, it is not disengaging the clutch. I have done this many times on bikes over the years but this one I do not understand.
Penny and a dime get it close on the clutch cable
I decided to put some risers on my R3T today and when searching there wasn't a lot about how to do it, plenty on how good it is but that is about it.

Happy Motoring.


Hey Bob.. this is great but have an unrelated question you may be able to answer.. I removed the radiator cap for more room to remove the plastic frame cover and the coolant started pouring out.. about 1/2 cup came out.. Bike was cold, haven't rode in days.. Coolant still to the very top of the coolant filler. Maybe it was just over filled to begin with? Anyway, thought I'd see if everything was okay here, take it ez.. Thanks

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Awesome, hey Kevin I'm here in the garage looking through this forum for proper coolant level and can't find.. I took the fill cap off to have a look and 1/2 cup coolant came pouring out.. Bike was cold haven't rode in days.. Any ideas?
If the coolant bottle isnt there at cap just above then just put cap back on, follow the overflow line to the recovery tank and fill if need be there you will see the recovery whatever was used sounds like stock location of recovery tank was moved not a problem for some to have spilled it probably came from recovery tank but it does fill to where line comes in on top under cap.

Hmm, it's filled right to the brim under the cap so I can't see a line through the fluid... Maybe I should drain some until I see a "fill line?"
****.... when I saw a new post today in this thread, I thought someone was going to say, 'I've got some Rivco risers going begging for a Touring'......