RIVCO exhaust flange covers ?


.020 Over
Jan 23, 2011
Eastern Ontario-CANADA
:confused:Have just received the chrome Exh.flange covers for my new 2011 Roadster. Look good, but before I start, any words of advice on istallation of these, or things to watch out for? I don't want to muck anything up! Should I put on one at a time, or all 3 at once? Any point in using hi-temp Loctite, or antisieze on any or all of the screws or fasteners? Cheers. :)
I'd say be careful if you're removing / replacing the exhaist cover. I sheared off one of the screws like it was made of tinfoil.
Yes it was the demo model, it had 9kms on the odo... but the exhaust flanges must've been the only mod?:confused:
They are about the cheapest pieces of chrome Triumph sells ... and they make a HUGE difference in the look of the exhaust. Bikes that don't have them really stick out to me, probably did to the dealer as well so they slapped on a set to dress up the demo. Triumph flanges were the first thing I bought for the bike when it was new (from there it was an expensive addiction to chrome) lol.