Risers for the GT

Ok. I am thinking main problem riser install. Maybe other reason for not normal vibration?

i guess because i have been in business since 1975 and was dealing with vibration before that i always here it wasn't doing that before.
so i take it with a grain of salt(paying not to much attention) of coarse this gets me in trouble once and a while.
u are correct he should check his work risers, cables, and anything else that may b touching , pulling on bars.
i did not mean to take away the importance of rechecking the work and should have worded it differently.
Hi, I just bought a 2022 gt and am really glad I came across this thread. I too have the need to move the bars back a little.
After exhaustive phone calls to triumph techs, I found a mechanic that could finally answer my question about the cables (wiring) being long enough. He said I should be able to get 2-3 inches. I also contacted triumph to see if there were wiring extentions available, but no dice. If the rox risers dont bring the bars back enough to suit me, I was thinking of making my own extentions. I hate to tear into a new bike but I'm a harley guy and like leaning back when I ride. If I can match the connectors I will make my own. Of coarse I will wait till spring because I am in Ma. and it's kinda cold to be riding. I will post my results. I might even give it a shot sooner. I will let you all know if it works out. If it does I will make a few sets and offer them to you fellow gt riders.

welcome from arizona
rocket dave sounds real good to
can anyone advise if these Rox risers fit with stock cables. thanks.
Hi There. XY Moto makes risers for Triumph Rocket 3 GR/R and they look amazing They come with cable extensions as part of the package for $218 Mine are on their way now Take Care Mark
Hi There. XY Moto makes risers for Triumph Rocket 3 GR/R and they look amazing They come with cable extensions as part of the package for $218 Mine are on their way now Take Care Mark
Do you have a link? Searching and can't find such a product. Maybe they don't make them any more?