Ring Shirt

Teez arrived today... Brilliant lov em

Fred thanks again Sir "Good Job" although ....
I can't help thinking Hanso's Ring is showing he has no shame

Richard Thank you "young" man (don't tell people you've touched it)

We will wear them with pride

Glad they finally made it ! Some of the other international buyers haven't been so lucky
I was blaming it on slow Kangaroo's, but that doesn't explain the problems others are having
must the Greys as we don't have black Kanga's you should have sent via the Big Central Reds.... them basterd can get moving stand over 6foot tall if faced by one ..... Run espesically if its a big Buck they can rip you in half with thier spur on thier hind leg....Oops! did you think Kanga's are harmless, think again the little coastal Grey one's are friendly enought but in mating season stay clear of the bucks
My shirts arrived today
Let me know how much postage was Dog *****Red Rocket Richard and ill flick ya some coin through paypal

You mean there not all like this ?
Ahh! we have similar species in W.A. ther' called.. Road Kill
yeah but anything smaller than a Semi and so is the Car I know I have seen the end result the car look like it had been hit by a truck The Reds are Bigg out west on the Nullabor Plains