Ring Shirt

Its all good mate no rush im happy to wait as long as we need to get the min order filled

Most are probably thinking about taxes right now.

Lets start planing the next 5 shirt designs.
Come on chaps and chapesses

Come on there chaps and chapesses, get your payments in, you know it's worth it!

Besides, I want this awesome shirt now!

As far as I can tell from this thread and PMs received this is the full Aussie order.

Me......................2 L, 2 S
Hanso.................3 XXL, 2 S.......Paid Fred
Young Mitch........ 2 L................Paid Fred
Dennsell..............2 L, 2 S
Paul Jacobs..........1 XL, 1 L
TasRocketRider....2 L
Mittzy..................2 XXL
Kiwi.....................3 XXXL

Total 24

Please let me know asap if this is no correct or if I've missed anyone/late comers.

Fred, can you please confirm shipping cost for 24.


Hanso and Mitch have already paid but the rest of you can send payment to me. Cost is $13 per shirt plus (I'm guessing) $3 per shirt shipping from US and $3-$4 shipping per shirt in Aus depending on distance from Canberra - take a punt. Kiwi (and Hanso) I'll deliver yours personally.

Payment via PayPal to richards2601@grapevine.com.au or PM me and I'll send you my Bank a/c details and you can do a transfer. As soon as I have most of the $ in I'll send a single payment to Fred. PLEASE send to me as a gift or I'll be wearing all the PayPal charges.
t shirts

hi i will take 2 1 large 1 xxlarge look great paypal works for me nascar10127 in n.c.

thanks Jesse
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Oops, ring shirts are $16.00, $18.00 for anything larger than XL. See posting #52

Hi Rich. $3.00 per shirt will do it.
At the moment it looks like I have 34 shirts paid for. So anyone who is thinking about it, nows the time. Keep those cards and letters commin' ! Fred