Riding this Saturday

I chicken out and let off a lot too or short shift because the front tire gets so light on these bumpy roads it feels a bit sketchy. That short shift from 4 to 5 in the second clip is cause I was getting bounced around in the saddle and was getting a touch of head shake.

I need to find a better camera mount.

Top pic is what's put together for 90 mins ride. From Milford sound to Te Anua.

Ended up setting up on the fly screen will up load on to you tube soon.
Thinking about 1 on chest cam capturing audio from external mic run up into my jacket to avoid wind noise, 1 up by headlights, and 1 on chin facing further down than today for gauges. Anyway, longer vid (but still edited to mostly remove the booooooring stuck behind people parts) coming soon with some captions.
Uploading 1 of 4 raw footage of worlds most scenic Roads in the world.

Not that I saw too much of it on that ride.