Riding technique or quick starts are weird


Aspiring Student
Jul 25, 2014
Olympia Washington
'21 Z H2, '14 R3R, '02 Daytona 955i
Ok, so, I like riding fast, duh, I bought a rocket....

Couple things I am trying to come to grips with that are really inconsistent with the Rocket, because I really don't want to anticipate spin and get a 12 o'clock mono out of the hole.

I can power wheelie 1st gear with no bar pull or clutch at almost any RPM, nothing new on a tuned rocket. What blows my mind though is hole shots.

Sometimes, if I am a touch to quick on the clutch release I'll get some wheel spin. On the other hand, if I am dead on with the clutch and get it fully released and have the throttle fully open the same time the clutch fully engages, she does a nice 20-30 degree wheelie through 1st unless I lay on the tank, way forward.

Rear tire 40 PSI, a street start no track where it's all sticky and prepped, do you guys have the same experience where hole shots spin, 1st gear powers up, or does 1st gear spin for you as well?

Just want to know what, if anything I can do differently to get more dig and go, and less spin and lift
The Metzler would dig, go, then spin once I got full power in 1st, the Excedra spins then grips then goes but wheelies....

Not sure which I prefer tbh.
Unless my tire is cold it sticks 95% of the time. A quick warmup ensures stick. But it is a ct. My weight (290 lbs), I'm sure, also has some bearing on the presumed stickiness of the tire. So far even leaning forward it will still wheelie out of the hole on a hard start.
WE use the stock Metzler on the street and DRAG STRIP and have run 8 second times they work great you dont want to leave the line at high revs 3500 to 4000 rpm and ride the clutch out keeping the front wheel down we turn the best times easing out of the hole and not spinning the tire
So something like 2k RPM, quickly let out clutch and smoothly feed throttle, then open all the way once clutch engaged Art?

Thinking back to how I normally do it, I'm simultaneously going to around 50% throttle and feeding out clutch as quickly as possible. Maybe a bit too much gas a little too early? Thinking I'll try slower throttle opening until clutch fully engaged then open it up quickly, though, im not sure its going to stop it from standing way up, it should stop most of the spin I think.
I've just put a new E Max on in place of a Cobra...where cobra would spin (2500rpm and fully release clutch) the bridgy just grips and goes. 10k km's on the cobra though and my memory, of what is was like new, has long faded.
Keep the front down ease back on the throttle to prevent wheely and slip the clutch its a fine line to get max acceleration stay calm and relax dont tense up youll be quicker
Oh the things I'd do to have a drag strip in Hawaii lol.

I have the non Max excedra, G852, grips fine cornering, thinking it may be a little bit questionable out of the hole though.
Oh the things I'd do to have a drag strip in Hawaii lol.

I have the non Max excedra, G852, grips fine cornering, thinking it may be a little bit questionable out of the hole though.
YES drag racing is a lot of fun and you have to practice to get it right and WIN YOU can have the fastest bike around and get beat if you cant ride it your gonna lose so work on your drag racing skills and youll be a winner not a talker that cant back up his BS
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THATS a problem you want to keep the front down coming off the line having a big heavy tire is not going to help it will hurt your times and speeds you dont want more tire than you need thats why we run the stock METZLER we dont need any more traction