Riding home from work


Living Legend
Sep 24, 2015
Henryetta Oklahoma
rocket three x
Did it again. Three o'clock in the afternoon till six am in the morning. Some pretty long hours after working twelves all week. Coming home mister mina van decides he is going to pass on the shoulder of the road and hits me with his brights as he attempts the maneuver. Did not work out well for him. I came off the center line and blocked his maneuver which apparently really irritated the poor gentleman. Pulled into the truck stop in okmulgee for a cig. and the gentlemen pulled in right behind me. He got out and started to get real mouthy with me. When I looked in the van and saw four little kids who looked scared to death I was in disbelieve. This guy endangered not only myself but four little ones in the process. All I could do is look at the poor kids while this jerk called me every name under the sun. Just blew me away that someone could drive like that and be hauling kids around. I am not what you would call a safety conscious rider at times. Love to let it rip on the Rocket. I would never place myself in a position were I could possibly endanger kids especially young ones. The funny thing about all this was when I was just about out of patience and started her up I noticed his bumper sticker. (REAL MEN LOVE JESUS)
Just thought it was a bit over the top when I saw the sticker. Looking and listening to the poor gent, I was thinking to myself do not go there it ain't worth it. Could have but thought about those poor kids.
Just thought it was a bit over the top when I saw the sticker. Looking and listening to the poor gent, I was thinking to myself do not go there it ain't worth it. Could have but thought about those poor kids.
You should have said I sure do feel sorry for those poor kids that are scared to death in the back seat of that car
A blocking maneuver such as the one you employed is all well and good if your driving a cage, sonny, but you risk your own life and limb doing that on two wheels. There are some crazy-azzed people out there there and you would not have been the first motorcyclist run over or pushed off the road, squashed like a bug by a road raging idjit, ya' know!
Just thought it was a bit over the top when I saw the sticker. Looking and listening to the poor gent, I was thinking to myself do not go there it ain't worth it. Could have but thought about those poor kids.

EXCELLENT restraint on your part!!!
Another hypocrite on his way to church to be a Christian for 40 minutes then into his car to cut you off and then give you the finger, and act like a jerk. He probably needs religion to make himself feel better and justify being an A$$hole!!!
Good for you not slapping his teeth out of his head, over the years I have "mellowed" out like that myself. Not worth the trouble of a dust up, I have still not broken myself completely from flipping an jack wagon driver off.