Ride from Brisbane to Cooyar Pub Meet N Greet

That’s a bit harsh!!!
They also have a servo, a community hall and two or three houses.
Pig on a spit is put on once a month in the lean too beside the pub. Gets a fair crowd from the surrounding district.

I’ll be going for the day trip.

But it appears to be a way cool destination place for an American to visit. It's a fine looking building and I look forward to being able to book one of the few rooms
I just received an email from an Aussie friend. He has a beautiful home outside of Perth and also a place in Adelaide, with bikes in both locations. He's offered me a loaner during my visit. I don't think I'll take him up on it because I feel uncomfortable with borrowing a friends bike but I know he'll show me around.

I've been wanting to visit Oz since I was about 15 so am looking forward to this.
Some good riding Sth of Perth, if he offered borrow the bike.

Take up the offer of the loan bike.

If you are worried about wreaking it take out an extra insurance policy on the bike. Or get your mate to put you on the policy he already has.

Enjoy your trip to Oz