Ride Around Texas May 1 - 4, 2017

Almost had a @HansO moment...got hit by a gust of wind from the left that the bike moved 20' to the right and it died. Only guess I have is that the sudden movement freaked out the bank angle szensor
Almost had a @HansO moment...got hit by a gust of wind from the left that the bike moved 20' to the right and it died. Only guess I have is that the sudden movement freaked out the bank angle szensor

HOLY $HIT, Morris!!!
20 feet is a loooooooooooooong way to fly!!!
A sphincter pucker moment to be sure!
Just a guess but I was riding the left side of the lane and ended up on the right side of the shoulder
Wind was out of the northeast and off my left shoulder. News said gusts ip to 50 mph, bit not having my portable anemometer rigged up I can only guess that it was at least that
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Wind moving the bike didnt suprise me as much as the bike going instantly dead...it was like an out of body experience to be crusing along at 85 mph and have tje bike go instantly silent
What kind of time did you make, looks like it was really wet a good part of the way.