Ride Around Texas May 1 - 4, 2017

My plan would be 1200 or so the first leg, 1000 or so the second, then you're only left with 800 or so to finish up. That would be yhe target anyway. From experience each consecutive day it gets harder to get up and throw your leg over the bike so I try and get as much out of the way early as possible
Where are you starting from?

Assuming I do the ride at all I will start where the event organizers have designated as the starting and ending point...South Padre Island. Otherwise I would be disqualified
This Iron Butt Gang are hard core. This is where the ST 1100 would come in handy. Perhaps even the Valkyrie would be better suited because it is smooth. I would like to try the 1000 mile challenge during this ride. After that I will need medical attention .

Would you ride clockwise or counter clock wise?
Which bike are you going to use should you participate? The Rocket or the Ultra?
In order to register you have to be a qualified an Iron Butt Member. To achieve this is a time consuming and technical feat. Rides have to be documented and verified in a certain way. I guess that they can not object if one takes on the challenge without registering but perhaps they would appreciate if one did not. Would have to call and ask the road master.
The planning process makes a huge difference in executing the ride. Layout your fuel stops, rest stops, checkpoints. Plan your ride and Ride your plan.

Achieving an IBA certification is relatively easy in Texas given the high speed limits available on country roads. SH34 south of Honey Grove is a two lane blacktop with 75 mph limits. Man, I wish we had that here in Virginia.

A SaddleSore 1000 is the basic certification ride. Get a start receipt and put it in a baggie. Stop at least every 250 miles and get another receipt and put it in the baggie. At the end, get a final receipt. Have someone sign the witness block on your form at the start and at the end of the ride. On my receipts I write the stop number and the odo reading from the bike.

The time limits on the RAT and RAT Insanity are, imho, very generous taking into account the aforementioned high speed limits available in Texas. My recent ride from Coney Island, NY to the Golden Gate Bridge, CA was 2930 miles and completed in 46h 10m. Now it was all Interstate but, still, the roads on this route can be ridden at similar speeds (well, maybe not western Utah and Nevada speeds but still fast).
Dragger, that was good feedback and input. Your are appreciated.
Are those 1000 miles to be ridden in a certain amount of time?