Rick from Indiana


Welcome Rickb. I little haeds up, Make sure you are running about 60 before you challenge the Vmax or you will be seeing his back side. Don't want to admit it but stock bike to stock bike the Vmax will take us off the line. Unless the V has a poor pilot on her.
Stay safe and have fun often the R3 is a great bike.

Check out the Custom Mods section, lots of posts on relocating both the plate and turn signals. I do like that big tire showing, but if you are going to run saddle bags make sure you look at where you mount your signals so they don't interfer.
Hey Rickb, I did exhaust mods, Tune-boy, and then put the K&N under the tank. The under tank filter really woke her up!

As far as V-Rods go, I smoked a co-workers 07 [Stock, except for very loud exhaust.] with my friend Amy's 94 Magna. The Magna has aftermarket pipes, jetted carbs, one tooth smaller front sprocket, and a K&N. She loves to catch me napping and blow by me on that thing. "Degredation", she calls it. She always knows what's coming afterward.
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Just the under tank filter. I think Pig9r posted some pics of how to do it. Look under custom mods. There is a sticky there about it. I now carry a bunch of tools, some homemade bike jumper cables and tire patch kit with co2 inflater where the stock filter was. Busajack carrys something else in his. Look for a thread called Spike's bar.
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