Rick from Indiana

I met a guy on a V-Rod with a big bore kit that had test ridden a Rocket, He flat out admitted that his Hardley would only be a close second, he wouldn't even give me a chance to dust him..
I suspect that once the R3 is in the mix, the HD will stay in the garage...

Whether "slowing down" to ride with you HD buddies, or screamin' down the road with your hair on fire (no all of us I guess)... you find that the Rocket is a **** fine machine.

Don't fall into the pit of "Style over Substance"...

Welcome and have fun:bch:
Welcome Rick!!

For what those guys paid for the V Twins you can put a supercharger on your Rocket and still pocket 5 grand. And make way over 200 horsepower He He He

Welcome Rick,

Just picked up mine yesterday, great bike, you won’t have any trouble from what I hear beating any v-twin. I can’t say much from my experience (only 35 miles on it) but will be finding out very sooooon. I have a buddy with an Iron Horse I think it’s a 119 cc not sure.
Welcome to the Site Rick,

You can have V-Twins for breakfast anytime you want with the R/3. Join in often and sorry for the late welcome.
I met a guy on a V-Rod with a big bore kit that had test ridden a Rocket, He flat out admitted that his Hardley would only be a close second, he wouldn't even give me a chance to dust him..

Won't even be a close second. I showed a V Clod my tail light at 121 on US 23 south last summer. **** those things are loud...big potatoes but she got mashed.

By the way, must be my riding style or something. I'm approaching 5K after the Nashville trip and my tire is still nice and round, no flat spot. Actually, it don't look to me that it wore much at all. The front tire is cupping ever so slightly at the crown of the tread, but nothing to get excited about yet. 'Course most of the ride was on 2 lane roads with curves and such and you are right, you can drag the blobs on the floor boards and she feels nice and stable. I scared myself on the parkway in a decreasing radius turn......scccccrrrrape.

Sorry, I got sidetracked. Welcome to the forum and join in anytime. We are all a little wacky about the Rocks.
I love this site. Get a lot of good information. I haven't picked the bike up yet, should get it Friday or Saturday. In addition to the exhaust upgrades I am getting the Triumph clock and gas gauge, the touring seat with the backrest, Kuryakyn turn signal mirrors, exhaust flange covers, front engine guard, Rivco passenger floorboards and the throttlemeister. So hopefully it will look as good as it runs and I am getting real anxious to get it and ride. In addition to the friend with the S&S 124 I also have another friend with a Vmax, so I have some pretty fast company I ride with. I look forward to being able to smoke both of them.
Thanks for the advice. I have been riding for almost 40 years so it's too late in life to get too careless. I do like speed and performance, but I also like being healthy so I am usually pretty cautious. Sometimes it's just knowing what you are capable of doing. I have a Vette, which I have had for 3+ years, and only once have had it over 100, and then I had it up to about 150, just to show a Mercedes what it could do when he was challenging me. What a rush!!!! I figure it will only take once to let my friends know what this bike can do, and then I doubt that they will challenge me again, but I do like the idea of teasing them at first and then smoking them. I do have another question for anyone that can answer - how hard and approximately how much time does it take to relocate the license plate to the side and put on new turn signals? Is ii something that an ordinary Joe can do or should you take it to the Triumph shop?