Richwood W. Virginia 2023

Here ya go boys from the last Saturday's ride. For those not there, it was agreed that I would get out of formation in order to get some alongside footage. Also note that any apparent crossing of a double line by any riders is a unique "artifact" of the camera at certain speeds that "blends" the dotted lines Finally, despite anything you might hear to the contrary, we did not hit 120. That's well over the speed limit and, as you know, us Rocket riders tend to brag. "I have the biggest engine, blah, blah, blah....."

Not the bike man, is all anout the rider, and you know how to ride
I was thinking during the ride that those roads are my wheelhouse. I do that kind of stuff every day that I ride. Nobody went off road and everybody gets to ride as they wish. I will never leave a rider behind to get lost.