There is a reason why Dr. D should never go anywhere without his wife, he gets lonely and one thing leads to another... Bud lite may have been involved.
I think the wedding is later tonight...
Mary and I arrived home safe and sound today about 1:00pm. We had a good time meeting with old friends and making several new ones. Sorry we missed out seeing the late comers. You' all have a great time and enjoy the riding.
Doc, your knees will get sore, just ask Sandy. Norm, be careful what you ask for! (All in good humor!) Wheels down and laughter up. Till next time.
There is a reason why Dr. D should never go anywhere without his wife, he gets lonely and one thing leads to another... Bud lite may have been involved.
I think the wedding is later tonight...
What time do y'all typically head out in the mornings? I'll be coming in Saturday morning and would hate to miss the ride. Any cell service out there yet?