Wife shovels snow off the roof wow
Has she got a sister
Guys, ya gotta be careful what you wish for. She and I only have daughters, me 3 from my 1st and her 2 from hers. When we were all younger, there was only one other male at home. They caught the poor bugger, our cat, fixed him, and I got a very clear picture of my reality. I am well domesticated:
1) I put down the toilet seat, and scream at other males that don't (for they're own safe keeping, of themselves, and their family joules)
2) I walk staight with tightened glutes
3) I can say "Yes Ma'am, when do you want it?" faster than Jessey Ja.es can shoot.
4) Can find my way around just about any kitchen:
a) can cook water (for my wife's black double expresso coffees)
b) grill cheese sandwhich (with the cheese)
c) Pesto & butter spaghetti (w/o the butter [not really that healthy])
d) full spead-spectrum array of peanut butter sandwhiches.
e) My aunt's (and God Mother) 14-ingredient meat spaghetti sauce that I've memorized (or at least 10/14, the others were spare parts)
My prayer, before going to bed, is about "...better being safe than sorry...", and yes, sometimes I learn the hard way and don't want to loose 2nd nut.
Just saying... She does have sisters. Which one of you guinnea pigs wants to be the first introduced ... ?
But the sisters aren't red heads, if that can semi-reassure anyone.
(... 'bout my wife)