Richwood W. Virginia 2023

Count me in. Dunno if wife will come at this time. Looking forward to meatin' y'all.
I'd luv 4 my wife to come, but I need to check with you guys if this is more of a vacation just me or us both.
She's not a biker at heart, and would likely follow by car. She has a neck injury following a fall on her butt while snow removal from a roof without tieing herself.
I've checked Richwood WV and I love it already. But to get a better feel for this gathering what'd you guys do in previous ones. Ride 80% time? Local attractions? Just hang?
Oh, and I've reserved a room, but if this isn't for my wife, and a bunch of you rented a 5 people appartment and looking for that 5th spoke ...
Finally, if we all get hammered one night how do you folks choose the designated ...
We usually drink at the motel I don't recall anyone going out at night, we're mostly old. y wife has come several times, she'll do a couple rides, but mostly hangs at motel. I'll be honest, I don't really come for the riding, I can ride any time, I mostly come to see my buddies, we've been doing this quite a few years now, I've made some good friends.
Ohhhhh.... good!! I can pass my after lunch nap as a private meditation time.


Wife shovels snow off the roof wow
Has she got a sister
Usually there are a couple different groups that go out on rides during the day. Then at night people sit around the camp fire and drink and shoot the $hit. Some people hang at the hotel or just go sight seeing during the day when others are riding. There is no set time to do anything since it is in the south. No one gets ina hurry for much. I myself always have the coffee pot going since I prefer to watch the rest make fools out of them selves.